Take the CB, and feel free to drop in on your way up or down

P.S. jbailey your not getting very far here. 200 miles and your bum was sore............
I did a 2 week 4000 mile Vancouver to SanFran and back with a lot of side trips a couple summers ago and had a great time. 78cb 750 with clubman bars...........
I was alone....I had no radio music, no CB, no cell phone, no warrantee,"in fact I had just built it the previous winter" and no guarantees of succeeding!
That's the point! If every one could do it, they would. Take a truck and camper if you want the trip to be a real pain and predictable
I have always found the best times traveling by air sea or land were the ones when sh*t broke down. Ever landed in a farmers field with a plane, ever had a prawn trap wrapped up in your prop in Alaska, ever had a throttle cable go on you on the PCHwy in CA, ever had a trailer wheel melt off the axle on a holiday Sunday? These are the things that make the trip worth wile, and allow you to meet people along the way. These become your most memorable times of any trip.
Aircraft landing was in Aldergrove BC and the farmer was very cool
Prawan trap issue solved with the assistance of most of the population of a very small indian village
Throttle cable, I don't have room or the time to go into all the folks who helped on that one
Melted wheel, we had to bribe the guy to leave his house with the promise of all the cold beer we had in our cooler. He was watching NASCAR and did not want to go out in the 120 degree heat to cut weld the mess off the axle for us. It worked!
Take the trip, and hold your head high as an explorer of your world on a journey to no where in particular.