I obviously have no idea on the quality and/or quality control of fuels in your part of the world,but,I can tell you the new "standard unleaded" seems to vary in quality over here.I have rebuilt/restored older low comp car engines (8.5/1) that were originally made to run standard.With hardened seats and all the good valves etc and original timing curves (yes it was correct curve and in fine condition) it would detonate occasionally under load with standard unleaded.Premium was not a prob.The owner was happier to stick with the original advance curve and run premium because of its limited use.I also have a early fuel injected car that does not have knock sensing,once again,timing is spot on and engine is fairly fresh,it too will be heard to ping occasionally with certain unleaded fuels.
I would rather be safe and try standard unleaded and see if "you can get away with it" ...more than likely it will be fine,but I cannot honestly say that my experiences and comparisons between standard leaded vs unleaded has found them exact equals.
These machines are over 30 years old now,they may have all been equals when they left the factory,but now? Who knows if the PO slipped in a mild cam,maybe you had a leaky head gasket and got the surfaces milled to true them up,maybe valves getting a bit thin...what I'm getting at is they are all no longer identical and I doubt their fuel needs are either