What is included in the slow system of the carbs?
The slow circuit is primarily active while the slides are near closed. But, they do contribute at other slide settings, too. Mains/throttle valve metering is set with this contribution expected.
The slow circuit is comprised of: the air screw, the slow jet, the slow air jet, the feed hole into the carb throat, and, of course it's very own passageway drilled in the carb body.
All cylinders are firing and air screw is 1.5 turns.
The roll on throttle response can be improved by closing down the air screw to make the idle mix richer. (this assumes clean idle circuits)
I've had slow circuit clogs that only allowed the head pipe to get hot when the throttle open opened up. Something to check for, anyway. Note that for your bike, choke opens the throttle, too.
Possibly didn't get the slow system of the carb cleaned. If that is the case, i don't look forward to removing the carb bank again.
Reminds me of the old adage:
A job worth doing, is worth doing twice!