We've been down this road before, but what the 'ell, I'm bored.
FWIW herewith a list of bikes I have owned. Note that I say owned,
not that I have ridden, simply because a couple were fixer-uppers that never got fixer-upped.

I'd be interested in reading what your portfolio looked like.
1972 Maxi Puch moped
1972 Honda CB175
1973 Honda CB250
1974 Suzuki TS125

? BSA C15 250 (Never ridden. The most inconsequential of the lot. Can't even remember what happened to it!!)

? AJS Stormer 250 (Never ridden, boo hoo. Wish I had it now.)
1977 Suzuki GS750
1979 Yamaha XT500 (I
will own another one of these, one day.)
1984 Honda XR125
1984 Yamaha XJ750RL
1996 BMW R1100RS
1999 Kawasaki KLR650
2000 Honda VFR800
1968 Honda CB175 ('Boy George'. Still in boxes, but destined to be on the road in time for next years Motogiro BC.)
1971 Norton Commando 750 ('The Mistress' Wait till I tell you the story of the fettling done on her.)
1979 Honda CB650 ('Silver Sophie'. Bless 'er cotton socks)
Plus the missis' 1984 Yamaha Virago 500 and 1990 Honda VTR250.