OK....this post has caused me to go through my old T shirt drawer. Here goes.....
1.(picture of a fishing fly on the front....royal wulff)....On the back reads...The way to a mans heart is through his fly
2.Picture of 4 asses hanging over a wall....caption.....As near as I can tell,we're somewhere behind Mt. Rushmore
3.Official member of the piss & moan about everything club
4. I chose the road less traveled...now where the hell am I ?
5. I'm busy,you're ugly,have a nice day
6. Picture of W.C. Fields...A man has to believe in something....I believe I'll have another beer
7.I didn't do it!!
8.Things to NOT do today...1.Care 2. Listen 3. Pay attention
9. Life...It's sexually transmitted and always deadly
10. Your village called...their idiot is missing
11.Coed naked bar hopping.....Take me drunk...I'm home
There might be more packed away or in my dirty clothes hamper. Thanks for helping me sort out my T shirt drawer!!