I know they are VERY popular in Jamaica "with the ganja crowd" . Saw lots of them when we used to stay there winters. They have a 600 cc max on any bike imported in to the Country. Their thinking is that their police can always catch something of that size? Not sure about that theory as I imported a Kawi 550 GPZ in to the Country that was ........well.......just a bit quicker than theirs

I'm not sure, but I think other Caribbean Islands also have this limit. I had never seen one of these Ninga 600's before that. Perhaps your bike has spent some time at the beach

P.S. If you ever visit Jamaica, buy a $150.00 mountain bike new at Walmart (RED), throw mud all over it and box it up. Tell the customs guy its for your hoiday. Spend the 1st day of your vacation visiting bike rental places and make your best deal. We got $400-$800 for our bikes the 1st trip there. The motorcycle was the same sort of deal, bought it for $800.00 sold it for $5000.00
You don't want to know who has $5000.00 US to buy a bike in Jamaica