Ok. Has this happened to you lately:
driving in a very dark night legally, and suddenly
out of nowhere some blue lights appear.
I didn't pull over for 8 miles, until I spotted a "legal" police car on the side of the road.
The 1st guy in the car following me, with the siren, and loud speaker
extolling me to pull over, several times a minute was visibly upset with me.
Seeing as the damn 1st car had lights ONLY in the grill I refused to stop.
He gave me a ticket for refusing to obey a police officier. I know I'll have this
thrown out in court, but it's a pain in the A$$.
We have had many many cases of wierdo's putting lights in their grill, and
pulling people over, then giving them fake tickets, harassing them or in the
case of 10 local women, killing them. Didn't want to be another victim of a wierdo
because the idiots we elect will not make unmarked police cars illegal.
At a minimum, it should be illegal for unmarked cop cars to do vehicle stops. They shold
only be used for undercover drug-type busts.