... what surprises me is how guys here who have shouted from the rooftops in previous threads about their constitutional rights are so happy to just bend over and take it up the asss when an un-elected mod decides to lock a thread?
Since I'm one of the self-described "stark raving mad Constitutionalists" I'll respond...
This forum is not a Democracy (or even a Republic).
America as a government was founded based on the Constitution (although the Declaration of Independence is my personal favorite

I don't believe another nation has ever been founded on more perfect ideals.
This forum was founded on different ideals, and closing the boob thread was consistent with those stated ideals. Thus, they've gotten no real complaints from me. I may jump in every once in a while with a smart@ss remark, but that's for humor, not genuine anguish.
I only get riled up when people try to change the rules we've all agreed to - which is most politicians these days (vote Ron Paul!).
Does that help you understand why I've been so quiet? If not, let me know. I'll gladly go into a MUCH longer version in an attempt to better explain myself.

You beat me to it ed - guess I need to type faster, or a lot less...