Seeing that I have been one of the recipients of forum rules enforcement I feel it is right for me to speak up now that this thread has run a bit. Plain and simple the rules work when common sense does not. I would not omit even one of those rules. Some are there because common sense failed so instruction was needed. I know because I have been there on the receive end and at times I felt it was unfair. But the fact was I was doing stuff that I agreed that I would not do here. So some of the poundings from the mods were warranted.
No one likes being called on their stuff - if you know what I mean. But it has to happen from time to time.
Fact is I would not take a moderator position on any board that I participate in right now. Not one. I can not believe the tolerance for overall stupidity that you guys have sometimes. I am sure there are holes in the wall next to your computer.
I know there was by mine.
When scorned we are quick to say "the heck with that board- I'LL MAKE MY OWN" LOL Yea right, the work that goes into it is just staggering and no matter how you change up things to make things more secure, cleaner, smoother, rules and the list goes on - SOMEONE WILL COMPLAIN. They always do. You just have to go for the greater good. Just try and start a board and see what happens. I am sure within a short period of time you will feel like you will have to write a list 3 pages long of rules, or should I say "Stupid things people have pulled here"
I personally have no complaints. And for ref Glenn when you make visable changes in the board I get over it quickly and just continue.
I do not do anything in particular to keep this board running, so I have surrendered my right to B%tch. I figure you have that right when you put work into something that is not working, and it continues to not work.
I am always a guest here and am quickly reminded of it when I forget.