I used to work the parts counter at my local dealership. I was getting my parts from them months before they offered me a job. So, I'm still bias, but not super bias.
At my shop, we carried some NOS parts. Mainly o-rings, cables, points, etc. Stuff that we don't really move quickly, but we keep around for people like me.

Until this new guy showed up, all of the parts guys were VERY knowledgeable. My boss specialized in new bikes, my other coworker in dirt bikes and quads, and me in old bikes. In the three months that I was there, we were a killer team and could find just about any part somebody needed. Now this new guy doesn't know the difference between an O-ring chain and a standard chain.

Our shop will work on ANY Honda, BMW, or Ducati. Regardless of age. In fact, we just got a 1964 CA95 that the owner wants a full rebuild on. We've got our master tech on it and they've got me, who doesn't even work there, hunting down parts!
Shops vary from excellent to absolute crap. Our other Honda dealer in the area is worthless. Won't give you quotes over the phone, put you on hold for upwards of 20 minutes, get all pissy with you when you KNOW what you need, etc. etc. Overall crap.