I think it's cool to have opinions from all over the globe. You can't buy these kind of opinions anywhere.
Give the world another 20 years and all houses will need to be entered by thumbprint. Retinal scans will determine an intruder alert and phone the police. A camera in everyroom so the entity always knows what your up to. You will no longer worry about needing a gun.
Why? sheep are stupid and big bro is good for us; or is it? Uncky Sam used to say that smoking was good showed pictures of doctors and nurses puffing away. They also had x-ray machines at your local shoe store and that getting your foot x-rayed to see where your toes were was the way to really buy shoes. Now both cause cancer and drive shareholder profits lower; bad news better make some new laws. We have to make laws to wear seatbelts, turn on your lights when it's raining, car seats to be in the back seat and so forth. Air bags, supposedly good for adults, fatal to children. Internet porn distroys marriages---maybe you should only use the internet if you are single LOL. Fast food causes heart disease, but no one bans McDonalds. If someone is smoking in a resturant, I have the right to leave. If a drunk kills my wife, where are my rights there? Alcohol ruins more marriages than smoking, but that's not the current focus of America. Do I fancy a drink, certainly, but I also know how to stop.
I laugh because what is good today, maybe bad tomorrow.
Power is in the people, but as sheep, we go our own way. We no longer stick together; it's a shame. In America, it's cool to have a hyphen. I remember when people were proud to be American, not something-American. The shepard has the sheeple right where he wants them; babel all over again. Together we can make a difference for the good, separate we are weak.
Food for thought.