It's rules time for those of you that may have tuned in late, everything is cool, we just have to keep it cool.
Welcome to the Babes Thread. It is a place for members to post pictures of pretty women, and pretty is a matter of personal taste.
The SOHC Forum is first a foremost a place for members to trade technical data and advice on keeping these machines running. I have never found a better site for any other vehicle.
The SOHC Forum is also a community of over 4,000, which would make it a fairly good sized town in it’s own right.
From the amazing response to the now departed Boob Thread there is a interest in some light entertainment.Things went a bit far over in Boobland and it was shut down. This is something that we need to avoid on this thread.
OK, bottom line, if this thread is going to survive we need a few rules everyone must adhere to. Remember if we do not Police ourselves others will do it for us.
Here are some simple guidelines that should keep us out of trouble:
1. No full frontal nudity.
2. No fully exposed nipples.
3. No Vagina shots either front, back or sides.
4. No simulated or real sexual activity.
Bikes and Babes go together like ahhhh, Babes and Bikes.
Moderator's Note: Any images deemed offensive or that violate the above stated rules will be deleted.