I prefer women keep them real. Fake breasts are phony. I wouldn't want to eat a fake hamburger. All breasts are great, as long as they're natural, no matter what size. Fake breasts look okay inside clothes, but in the nude they usually stand out as 'something odd.' I wish women would be content with what nature gave them. Just my opinion.
Yoko Matsugane's are real. It's a dead giveaway when they lay on their back - fake ones stick straight up.
Dude you must not have a wife that had a few little ones milking on them.
I loved my wife's breasts but after the kids drained all the fun out of them they were like rolled up tube socks with knobs on the end.
I like them again now that they are fixed and they still gyrate when in rhythm if you know what I mean.
Sure she could have just left nature alone but I probably would have as well.

I never have eaten them but I do enjoy caressing and suckulating them .