Author Topic: Dilemma: I found some plants of marijuana. What would you do? -with pics-  (Read 12113 times)

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Offline Raul CB750K1

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Following what it seems common advice here, the plants are growing strong and I don't plan to call the cops. I don't plant to talk to my "suspects" either because I don't know them very much, just a couple "hellos" or "nice weather today", and I don't want to get embarrassed if I'm wrong. I'm reading a lot of interesting information here and lots of cool anecdotes too!!!!  ;D  Thanks for your advice everybody.


Offline DarkRider

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eh Raul...just pull up a bud and be mellow....
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Quote from: heffay
so, you say just tie myself on with this... and steer w/ this?   ;D ;D  ok.  where's my goggles?   8)

Offline gregk

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I was diagnosed with bone cancer a year ago.  Recently, I learned that the Canadian Government (Health Canada) will supply me with pot to relieve the pain.  I have since applied for this permit which allows me to possess pot, grow pot or get someone else to grow it for me or the government will supply me with pot that they have grown. 
Health Canada does not make any guarantee regarding the effectiveness of the treatment but are willing to let the patient try this treatment if they so desire. 
So if anyone is having a problem with getting rid of their neighbors pot plants, send them to me.  I will put  them to good use.

I don't want it to go like a motorcycle, I want it to go like a rocket!

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Hey Greg, I'm sorry to read about your illness. This thread was not intended to become a debate about wether pot smoking is good or bad. I haven't judged people who smoke it, to each his own. If I were you, be sure I would try anything to relieve the pain, and like me, everybody else I guess.

This thread was just about what would you do if you find something illegal going on in a common property that affects you.



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So Raúl, how are your plants doing?  :)

Offline DarkRider

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Hmmmm maybe a pot trip is in order dave?
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Quote from: heffay
so, you say just tie myself on with this... and steer w/ this?   ;D ;D  ok.  where's my goggles?   8)

Offline gregwaits

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When I was in college, a couple friends rented a house one street over from me. We'd hang out getting high on a regular basis. A lot of time after cleaning new bags of weed, the seeds would sometimes get tossed out into the front flower bed. Sure enough plants would begin to appear.

If it were me and I saw those plants, I'd just ignore them. As someone already advised, if you are clean, you have nothing to worry about.

I second the idea that potheads are much better neighbors than drunk rednecks.
1978 CB750K8; 1970 CB450

Offline kaceyf2

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Personally speaking, what I would like to do, is to try and detect if the plants do actually belong to anyone...
then I could befreind them and invite them over to a "swap and great" ( its like a swap meat except we wouldnt be swapping meat...unless they stayed for dinner of course and brought some meat with them, which would be unlikely if it was sunny say, cos who would carry meat around with them on a sunny day for too long, anyways i digress)
Anyways, if it was possible to detect the green fingered  "owners" then I would invite them over, great them at the door, and begin the "swapping" part of the "swap-great" just as soon as it seemed "not to hasty" to indulge in said swapping material.....( NOT the same amount of time that a widow may have to be seen to be waiting before taking a new partner say for the sake of appearences)
It would go a bit like this......
"Hello, my name is karl, what is yours?"
"oh, Dave and Paul eh?" "thats interesting"
" would you like to come in for a coffee?"
"Two sugers Dave?" "and for you Paul?"
" No, of course its NO trouble at all to crush the  very expensive hand picked beans myself with a morter and pestle"
" You want cream AND lemon in that you say Paul"
"maybe a biscuit or cake"
"No problem at all,it will only take me 35mins to run up the hill to the shop to get your favourite biscuits"

on returning, out of breath, an adequate time has now elapsed for politeness and reespect to have served its purpose, and I would swiftly move on to the matter at hand, even if that meant interupting folk when they were talking...........
"skin up then lads" " i know whats in the garden aint quite ready yet, but i thought you may have something in your pockets that would save me waiting?"

Thats what I would like to THINK i would do, what the angel on my right shoulder would be telling me to do........
However, the devil on my left would of course be encouraging me to "sneak" out at night under the cover of darkness, with my misses pantyhose on my head ( not because I am afraid someone will recognise me, but because i like wearing me misses pantyhose on me head, they smell so ...womenly...anyways i digress)
The "Devil" would be telling me, nay yelling at me, that there were more than enough of gods creation at hand to allow me to take just enough for myself ( and any friends that came to the "swap-n-great" that I was planning on having when i got back with my lucky find) and that no-one would notice unless i was too gready too soon......

Having "extracted" my new found greenery from said flower bed, (safe in the knowledge that sativum is in fact hermaphrodite till later on in its life cycle when it chooses which way to go dependent on enviromental factors, and even the lower male leaves can in some instances be stronger then another plants female all depends on many many arbitary factors) anyways again,
I would then bind round the roots with some thread out of my wifes sewing box, and hang the proceeds of my nights "cunningness" ( remember the hose?)   upside down in the airing cupboard to dry out SLOWLY and thoroughly.................( smoking fresh greenery is hell on the throat, so patientce!)
Then I would begin what I would deviently entitle.....
"karls Big wait"  I would start the "wait" almost immediately, I would wake up in the morning "waiting", I would go to bed at night in a deep state of "meditative await"  I would dream the dreams of a "waiter"  And If anybody should ever ask what i was doing, I would be crafty, and say " I am not waiting for anything at all"
then i would have to do ALL THIS OVER again tommorrow, (waking up waiting) etc.
The devil would be telling me to "force them under the grill"
BUT I would IGNORE THIS ADVIce, knowing it to be false testimony off the old trickster....and would carry on with todays particular wait.
After much too much waiting indeed, (and at least three weeks of pretending not to be waiting)
I would "have a peep" in the cupboard, just a peep,just to check hows it going, in case anything at all was happening that shouldnt, like bugs or mildew, or neighbours that had found out about my cupboard (by claivoyence or other methods of divination) and were "Tunneling in" to deprive me off what by now must be rightfully mine.........

And then, what I would do, (and this is just my two cents worth , and just a personal opinion of course)
is sit back in the knowledge that when the wait had ended, so would my meat and great begin......
its nice to be sociable after all eh?


In my own experience...
It wasn't a Previous Owner who didnt know what he was doing that messed up your bike, it was The Previous owners mate who THOUGHT that HE did.


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Karl, that's the best read I've read in a while. Perhaps Raul needs you as a neighbor.

Also reminds me of my stay in Canada many moons ago, I went by to visit with
some friends, one of which was forced out of Texas at the tender age of 18 because of
a little bit of evil weed he was found to have on his person. Anyway, he and his
Canadian friend grew evil weeds. And in their little cottage on the lake as I approached
I thought I smelled a delicious smell wafting down from the .............Attic vents.

The whole attic was full of the nicest foliage found on the planet (unless your a monkey and then
that foliage would be bananas which is not what I found in the attic). They to were in the process of waiting. But, unlike you,
they had the good sense to have an earlier stash to ease their waiting pains. I did not suffer from any
waiting pain either. (This was long ago and I did not inhale......ok, maybe just a little).

Offline Terry in Australia

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Send it to me Raul, and I'll send you back your real ball, not that sheeps knacker I had in my beer fridge, ha ha!  :D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

Offline seaweb11

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Holly crap, I just found these today "Oh what to do?"

Offline Jugghead

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Don't forget:
Fertilize ;D ;)
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Offline boatsdickson

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"No. We're all our own prisons, we are each all our own wardens and we do our own time. I can't judge anyone else. What other people do is not really my affair unless they approach me with it. Prison's in your mind. Can't you see I'm free"?  Testimonial of Charles Manson

Offline DarkRider

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make sure not to use too much fertilizer...Bc is known for its buds....
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Quote from: heffay
so, you say just tie myself on with this... and steer w/ this?   ;D ;D  ok.  where's my goggles?   8)

Offline mark

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.. hmmm..

.. and a lot closer than Spain.  ;D ;D ;D
1976 CB550K, 1973 CB350G, 1964 C100

F you mark...... F you.

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Why in first place did I ask the foxes for advice how to look after the chickens?   ;D

Offline DarkRider

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Because we know how to properly take care of the task? *puff* *puff* Passs.....
'84 Chevy C10
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Quote from: heffay
so, you say just tie myself on with this... and steer w/ this?   ;D ;D  ok.  where's my goggles?   8)


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I also *found* some plants in 1974. There was no dilemma at the time. My abs are modestly concealed :)
« Last Edit: September 05, 2007, 08:46:03 AM by upperlake04 »

Offline DarkRider

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Lucky bastard and again i seem to "find" some of the ganja...usually in rolled
'84 Chevy C10
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Quote from: heffay
so, you say just tie myself on with this... and steer w/ this?   ;D ;D  ok.  where's my goggles?   8)


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I also *found* some plants in 1974. There was no dilemma at the time. My abs are modestly concealed :)

Hum, you look familiar, what with the batman mask and all ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline ieism

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Recently, I learned that the Canadian Government (Health Canada) will supply me with pot to relieve the pain.  I have since applied for this permit which allows me to possess pot, grow pot or get someone else to grow it for me or the government will supply me with pot that they have grown. 
Health Canada does not make any guarantee regarding the effectiveness of the treatment but are willing to let the patient try this treatment if they so desire. 

I'm sorry to hear you're sick Greg, i'm not a medical expert but I do know something about pot as a painreliever. I had a friend who battled cancer, and she smoked too.
From what I understand our government has provided legal pot since 2002 too, and the results are varied.
In short, for a lot of cancerpatients it seems to work well in recucing the pain, for many other patietients it's less effective.
But its only advised if no other painrelief method is effective or wanted.
It also stimulates eating, that's often good for cancerpatients as they loose a lot of weight. And she said it helped her with the nausea from chemotherapy, it made it go down somewhat.
I remember that a lot of times she didn't smoke, but she made tea from it. It really did help her, it also helped her relax a bit and it would lighten spirit.
The pot she used was grown by a government controlled company, and checked in a lab. This is to make sure there are no toxic elements or harmfull bateria and fungea in it. Off course patients with Aids or Cancer have lower resistance so it's pretty important that the pot is "clean".
The labs also made sure that the pot had a very low THC value . THC is the stuff that makes you high, but it's not not the most important substance in painrelief. Normal pot will get you high 4 times as fast as medicinal cannabis. There's other stuff in cannabis though that make it work as a piankiller, I think one of them is called cannabidiol or something.

The pot you can buy at a pharmacist here is about 20 times more expensive than what you buy here in the coffeeshops. Luckily some insurance companies cover medicinal Cannabis in our country, so that wasn't a problem for my friend.

So what i'm saying is, maybe this is something for you to try that's up to you really... but please be carefull and don't buy some bad quality pot on the streets. Take care.


Offline Terry in Australia

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You'll have to excuse my ignorance here fellers, I haven't touched any pot since joining the army in the 1970's, (it's a sacking offence here in Oz) I've heard all the hoo-haa recently about psychological issues caused by pot smoking, but I really don't care too much about that as I've seen much worse from alcoholics, but what about lung cancer?

Is smoking dope as potentially harmful to your lungs as tobacco? Is it a viable alternative? One day, when I cast off the shackles of my defense "career", I might feel inclined to give it a try again, so I'd really like to know? Cheers, Terry. :D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

"Crazy is a very misunderstood term, it's a fine line that some of us can lean over and still keep our balance" (thanks RB550Four)

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Is smoking dope as potentially harmful to your lungs as tobacco? Is it a viable alternative? One day, when I cast off the shackles of my defense "career", I might feel inclined to give it a try again, so I'd really like to know? Cheers, Terry. :D

I don't know about the cancer causing aspects of smoking marijuana, but one thing's for sure.  The average pot smoker isn't going through ten to twenty joints a day like most cigarette smokers do. ;)

Offline old750

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Re: Dilemma: I found some plants of marijuana. What would you do?
« Reply #73 on: August 27, 2007, 03:43:34 PM »
I don't know about the US but in Canada we can't take urine / blood samples for drugs when doing RIDE programs (checking for impaired / intoxicated drivers). I've read that more and more auto accidents are claiming lives due to impaired drivers on weed. It's obviously not as impairing as booze.

Here's my story: when I was in high school my moronic friend, high as a kite and driving his 85 civic sedan, sloooowly veered off on the gravel shoulder, towards a cat having a stroll. I warned him and yelled like 5 seconds before he hit it. I saw it from far (was sober, I don't do drugs). He nailed it, it tumbled and tumbled for a few seconds until it flew out the back wheel well. "Duhhhh, oops.... man that sucked." Way to go f*ck head.

Could just as easily been a person.

the cheapest and most economical way... just as in cremation... would be to get out your bic lighter and burn one  ;)

just because it is illegal doesn't mean it should be...  alcoholism and drunk driving claim far more deaths than cannabis.  in fact, there are no real reports of deaths because of marijuana... just deaths for people acting retarded while happening to have smoked some herb prior to some dumba$$ stunt.

i just finished a "drugs in society" course so if you'd like to get into the debate i'm all ears and have plenty to offer  ;D


Offline Jugghead

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Is smoking dope as potentially harmful to your lungs as tobacco? Is it a viable alternative? One day, when I cast off the shackles of my defense "career", I might feel inclined to give it a try again, so I'd really like to know? Cheers, Terry. :D
If you smoke 20 joints a day (typical pack-a-day cig smoker,) you might get lung cancer after 15-20 years!  Then again, at that rate, you might not care...about anything! :D
The following is hear-say, so ???
I *believe* that the typical amounts of ganja smoked are so miniscule compared to amounts of tobacco most users consume daily, that it basically amounts to nothing. Living in LA smog is probably more harmful than a daily dose of MJ. Or whatever exhaust you are subject to at the motorpool.
Two puffs of herb is probably a lot better for you than being stuck behind a smoking, stinking, nasty city bus 5 minutes while riding your CB750.

I'll tell you what.  I smoke cigarettes. (unfortunately, I know)  I don't really enjoy them that much anymore, but I do enjoy the act of smoking.  If marijuana didn't get me intoxicated, I would probably smoke it as an alternative.  It is mostly organic, generally with no chemical additives or preservatives. It tastes better, it smells better and is all natural.
Would I smoke it after a meal? Sure.  After sex? Of course!
Driving (a car) on a road trip? Nope. On a five minute break at work? NO WAY! This #$%* gets me high! ;)
9/72 CB350F...15k miles and rising