I have a small horrible monitor here at work so I can't really tell, but looks like it may be hemp, aka ditchweed (non-psychoactive cousin to mary jane). This stuff grows in the wild normally despite the national drug enforcements hyperactive crusade to get rid of it. It has a plethora of great uses in the textile and oil industries, relatively no use to your local stoner. The picture shows leaves that have a prominent Indica traits which lead me to believe its probably hemp or at worst, sh***y bag weed that someone threw out the window. Either way, you'd probably have a better time with a bottle of robotussin than you would trying to smoke that stuff.
What would I do about? First of all, how close are you to a school? Most states have laws that will quadruple the punishment for growing pot within a radius of a public school (usually 200-1000 ft). If that were the case, I'd pull it up, put in in a garbage bag, and toss it IMMEDIATLEY, lest you want to deal with having your entire complex searched if and when the fuzz were tipped off about it. If you're not in danger of being near a school, it just depends on how badly it annoys you aesthetically. They're nice looking plants IMO, it's a shame they're such a taboo. They do however tend to grow up and out and multiply ferociously (they call it "weed" for a reason). If they end up getting pollinated and drop their seeds this fall, expect dozens of them to sprout up next spring.
I wouldn't involve the cops in any way unless you want them all of the sudden hanging out in your neighborhood on a regular basis annoying both the stoners next door as well as Johnny Do-No-Wrong who's never even had so much as a parking ticket. In this absolutely absurd and inane war on drugs, cops ultimately make way more money and are promoted much faster for busting people who practice "recreational botany" than they do busting people on crotch rockets or abusive husbands who beat their wives within an inch of their lives. Invite them into your neighborhood at your own risk.