Hey Guys!
1978 CB 550 and it's revin like crazy!
Starts easy enough-was a daily driver before this crap- with the kick but it's at 3,500 rpm or stalls below that. When I give her a little throttle she jumps up to 6,000 and stays or starts climbing fast up to red line. Throttling more and trying to throttle down doesn't work, I have to shut off with the key-then shes reset back to the 3,500 and does this each time I try. ITS LIKE A GOST IS REVING HER!?!?!The bike was ok one day then started this crap. I pulled all the carbs-fun- and pulled the floats bowls off. All looks clean, cleaned the jets, floats move freely all looks good. So I thought it might be cables, new cables and grip tube- now the problem off reeving like crazy just happens more efficiently! The main idle adjust doesn't effect it, throttle moves freely open shut no hang ups, external springs look OK.
My Girl is gettin sick of driving me to work, whats up with my bike? Any ideas?[/font]