Author Topic: Another 550 Saved from the trash heap (or The Bike That eBay Built) (Pics)  (Read 2681 times)

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Offline psykod

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Well my 1977 CB550F isn't quite finished yet but it is complete enough that I was able to get it titled and inspected.

It's nothing fancy or unique but it starts right up and drives like a charm.

I bought the non-running bike off ebay back in March from a guy in Arizona.  I pulled it out of the desert and drug it back to Texas where I've spent the last 5 months rebuilding it.  Even after all my cleaning, degreasing, and sand blasting, I'm still finding Arizona dirt in nooks and crannies on the bike.

It was originally purchased in Wyoming before going to Arizona and that is the last place it was inspected back in 1997.

Pretty much everything needed to be rebuilt or replaced, including the engine (rebuilt). 

The carbs were completely shot and had to be replaced with a set a ebay specials that cost me a bunch but turned out to be just about as lame as the originals.

The original seat was a King/Queen duct tape special that had snapped in half.  The current seat is from a '76 CB550 Four which had to be recovered.  I know I need a 550F seat but I spent way too much effort sand blasting, painting, and re-covering this one to not use it.

The wiring was trashed and had to be completely rebuilt using parts from a replacement 550K harness.

New Stearing Head Roller Bearings and Swing Arm Needle Bearings were installed as well as a Halogen headlamp and Uni air filter. 

I haven't decided on an exhaust yet so the one that came with it is still there.

I also need to replace the rear tail lights as they are incorrect for this bike (I believe).  Either the front ones are correct, or the rear ones are correct, I don't know which.

Pretty much the standard things that are needed to get a 30 year old bike that hasn't seen asphalt in 10 years back into running condition.

Edit:  Sorry, forgot to mention that it needs to be painted (Just self-etching primer on it now to keep it from rusting).

At any rate, here are a few pictures and a short video.  Sorry but I can't find my before picture:


« Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 09:34:36 AM by psykod »
1977 CB550F.  Mostly Stock.

Offline neil young

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Re: Another 550 Saved from the trash heap (or The Bike That eBay Built)
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 04:03:21 AM »
looks pretty good Tim.nice job so far 8)sounds nice as well
1972 CB500 k1
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1977 cb 550
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Offline TwoTired

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I also need to replace the rear tail lights as they are incorrect for this bike (I believe).  Either the front ones are correct, or the rear ones are correct, I don't know which.

Nice job.  Don't know what your goals are for the bike (hopefully enjoyment), but the front sigs are the correct style for an american model.  The rear grab bar is also different from stock, though I like it.  The stock front fender should have a rear lower stay, as well.  But, it doesn't quite look like the right shape for a stock fender either.  Not sure.

Do you like riding it?

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
72 500, 74 550, 75 550K, 75 550F, 76 550F, 77 550F X2, 78 550K, 77 750F X2, 78 750F, 79CX500, 85 700SC, GL1100

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Offline mark

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The carbs were completely shot and had to be replaced with a set a ebay specials that cost me a bunch but turned out to be just about as lame as the originals.

Hey Bobby - what did I tell ya!..  Sorry, mine were shot too. Got some really nice ones from Cleveland, though. They're gonna work just fine.

I also need to replace the rear tail lights as they are incorrect for this bike (I believe).  Either the front ones are correct, or the rear ones are correct, I don't know which.

The rears look right. It's the fronts that got swapped. Maybe? Just the opposite of mine anyway. TT probably knows better than I do so I'll shut up. If you like your front signals, I'll swap rears with you ;D

Nice work!

Happy trails.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 09:06:37 AM by madmark73 »
1976 CB550K, 1973 CB350G, 1964 C100

F you mark...... F you.

Offline psykod

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Thanks for the kudos!

This is strictly a bike to have fun with as well as to save a bit of gas commuting to work and back on nice days.  I also need to get my riding skills up to snuff since this is my first street bike. 

I specifically chose a trashed bike so that I could learn everything I could.  This forum has been a big help in that regard.

Being a former aircraft mech, I didn't figure I would have too much trouble plus I wanted a small project as a lead in to a larger project I have planned (a kit car).

I believe TT gave me advice on my rear blinkers in another post I made.  As you can see from madmarks post, there is still some confusion about what lights are correct for a '77 550F U.S. spec model.  At any rate, when I find some big style blinkers for the rears, I will be replacing them.

BTW, my VIN # is:
     Body:  CB550F-2105575
      Eng:  CB550E-1144466

Today was my first ride to work (during rush hour on I-635 here in Dallas).  That was fun!
« Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 10:27:34 AM by psykod »
1977 CB550F.  Mostly Stock.

Offline dustyc

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Nicely done.  Looks better than my heap pulled from the garbage.  What a great feeling to put back together and ride something that most people would consider hopeless. 

I'm largely in the same boat ie. first street bike, basket case, wanted to do it myself from the ground up so I'd know, and extremely appreciative of those here who have answered my questions. 

Great job.

1977 CB750

Offline csendker

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Very nice.  As for the lights, look here --> (1976 model, I think)

Fronts appear correct, rears appear to be wrong.
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Projects ---> Crusty old boat
Gallery -->

Offline dustyc

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I just sent you a PM(It's up at the top of the page -My Messages) regarding a possible signal swap.
1977 CB750