Well, I seem to be hijacking my own thread again, because this is once again about my Wife. I hesitate to do an actual one on her, because we may get this cleared up pretty soon. Of course we surely do hope that it IS cleared up soon! You all know that the Doctor's office called Friday and told us to go directly to the hospital and get a transfusion of 2 units of blood. Well, we did just that. The last time we did this (which was not that long ago), she started feeling more herself later that evening and was feeling real good the next day and it lasted for a while. A week ago last Friday, we went (Dad went as well) to the Lake (Dad's place), so I could check the place & Dad could see that things were being taken care of. Well, that day, Brenda started feeling short of breath and energy.
We just blamed it on the heat AND her Asthma. Now, ever since that Day, she's felt the same. No energy AND breathing problems. Checked with the Doctor and Went in a week ago last Thursday to see the Doctor and have lab work done. Well, this Wednesday, she has back to back Doctor's appointments (1st with the Internal medicine Doctor and then the Hemotologists). Sure am Praying that we will find out what the problem is AND why she is so short on Blood (where it is going and why she's not making blood to keep her supply up). Thankfully, my Dad is holding his own and doing pretty well.
Sure need some Prayers here.
Thank you all, Bill