We just got back from the hospital and 2 things are becoming apparent and we will have to change to be able to deal with those 2 things. For one thing, there is concern that my dad is slipping into something like Alzheimer's (from what I was told, about the way he is acting). I have to admit that I had noticed some time back, that things I would tell him, didn't stick very long and sometimes, right after I would answer a question with detail explanation, he would ask the same thing again. He has commented that he didn't know where he was and there is concern about his living in that "Assisted Living " apartment and being able to go outside, without anyone realizing it and something happen. So, that is going to have to be addressed and It didn't even dawn on me that he could possibly do that (which makes me feel bad). Secondly, they did what is called a "Swallow Study" this morning, to see if it might be possible to get him OFF of using the thickener with his drinks. NOW, it has been learned that not only can he not come off of that, test showed that everything he eats, has to be of a "Pudding" consistency. We stayed there for his lunch, as it was his 1st experience of this kind and he was not comfortable with it, but I kept talking and trying to explain why it had to be that way OR he would end up with the same problem and come right back into the hospital. I felt so sorry for him when he was trying to eat that stuff and wanted something to drink, because his water was thick like pudding.
We're going back just before Supper and I hope to be able to keep encouraging him to keep at it. At Lunch, he kept telling me "Don't Get Old."
So, as it stands NOW, I have to make sure that he will be checked on frequently and that his meals, including his drink, are of a "Pudding" Consistency. It's hard for him to make these changes, but I am there encouraging him to try and he is trying. This will change the way we do things and make things uncomfortable for him and difficult for us to deal with as well. I felt so sorry for him today, eating his 1st meal this way.