Well, my brother's wife (NOT my sister-in-law) called me today.
She had seen where Dad had written down that I was coming down for his Birthday. Anyway, she started going on about how his Alzheimer's is getting worse. Thing is, I'm not so sure that he even has Alzheimer's. She talks about how his memory is slipping and all. How forgetful he is. He doesn't seem to have a problem with his memory (any more than lots of folks) to me. Then she starts talking about needing to change Doctors, because Dad's Doctor (that he's been going to for some time now) is not keeping up with all that's going on with my Dad and such as that. When I am with him, he doesn't seem to have any more of a memory problem that
I do! Okay, maybe that was a bad example.
Gotta throw some humor in now and then or I'm liable to throw something else. Anyway, after I got home (I was out at the time of that call), I called my Dad and told him about the call and then we discussed the things that are and have been going on. He's not really sure about actually selling out and moving up here, he was just mad at my brother and threw that out there. I kinda didn't want him to sell his place but, like I told him, it is
HIS choice to make and I'm not going to tell him that he has to or push him to do it either. No doubt, ut would make it so much easier on me to make sure that things were going well for him. But, if push comes to shove, I'll just have to figure out a way to be able to be there for him, so he does not have depend on them for ANYTHING! I'll tell you, between the things I deal with everyday and
THEN have to worry about what they might do with my Dad, I'm just about to go nuts! One consolation is, Dad says they don't have a clue about the changes that we have made (as far as his bank account, CDs and such). Only thing I can come up with to help the situation, is to convince Dad to have someone come in to check on him and help out him with whatever he needs. I told Dad that it really bothers me that I can't be there as often as I'd like and he knows that I've got a pretty good load and has
NO problem with that. I also told him that I had hoped for this visit to be just a casual, easy going relaxed time that we could spend together. But, I told him that we really have see about getting things settled. I'm just hoping and praying that
when I come home tomorrow evening We will have gotten a secure plan to act on and some kind of time frame. The sooner we can get things set straight, the sooner my Dad and I can have some peace and the sooner he can more fully enjoy the rest of the time he has on this earth. I don't want to take
anything away from Jay's Daughter or Paul's Sister, but we really need your prayers on this matter. But Bre and Paul's Sister comes first, okay? Sorry about going on, I'm just so put out about this whole thing, I'm ready for my Dad to have them evicted and get it over with. When he's talked about it before, I really didn't want to see anybody done like that, but they aren't going to stop until, they are made to stop.
Okay, that's it, I'm going to try to back out of here and let someone else post stuff.
Later on, Bill