Well, they (my brother and his wife took him to the hospital in a nearby town because she went to take him to church and found him having problems getting a breath and "she said his face seemed slightly swollen". I noticed that when I talked to him Saturday night, he was somewhat out of breath and he put it off to having just gone out to the garage and back. Makes me feel that I really need to pay more attention to (what might be) signs of things. My brother's wife called me at about 5:30pm Sunday (this episode started about 7:30 AM Sunday morning) and was telling me this, also telling me that an xray of his lungs didn't look good for a "nonsmoker". "I said, a what?" To which she replied that he had quit 40yrs ago and should have cleared up somewhat.

Well, the only thing is, he lived with my Mom who was a pretty heavy smoker herself and at least 2 others were around him that smoked also. I've ALWAYS heard that 2nd hand smoke is worse and he was in that environment until just a few months before she died of Cancer (which started in her lungs). They are gonna keep him there for a few days, don't know how many yet. Thing is, while I was listening to my brother's wife, she was getting a call from the hospital (so she said) and said she would let me know what they said. She didn't call back!

After a quick short discussion with my wife, I took off for Little Rock. I had to leave pretty abruptly because, by then, it was 6PM and visiting hours were from 6PM til 8:30PM It's about a 3 hour drive, normally (I was at the city limits of Little Rock by 8PM That's 2 hours for those who can't do the math.

Just kidding about the math thing.

I got to the ICU at St. Vincents in LR, by 8:20 and they let me go on in and I stayed til about 9:30PM. By then, I had my Dad convinced to tell me where his CDs were and the Passbook for the savings account and agreed to my strong recommendation to put them in a Safe Deposit Box in HIS bank under both of out names. So I did that, on my way back home today, It is listed in "His OR My Name" and I have BOTH keys (gonna try to get him to let ME keep them for safe keeping) to keep THEM from getting hold of them.

I kinda got run ragged last night and until about 4AM this morning. Here's what happened:
After I left the hospital, I stopped by Wal Mart for a pair of jeans, a shirt and such (for a change of clothes , since I didn't bring any). Thought I'd pick up something at the McDonalds, that was in Wal Mart too (since I hadn't had any supper) While at the checkout, I realized that I didn't have the key to my Dad's place.

I could not believe it. I HAD to get in my Dad's home and that key was the ONLY way! So, I drove all the way back to my home (got there at about 1:30AM). Got stopped on the way, doing 65 in a 45, I didn't even realize and the cop felt for me and let me off with a warning. I grabbed some things (including the key) and left to go back to my Dad's home (got there about 4AM) Sat and relaxed for a bit, got me a shower about 6AM, left Dad's home about 6:30 cause I didn't want THEM to come down and find me there (they don't know that Dad got a key to me). So, I went to the hospital and waited until I could see him and find out how his night went. Had a little time, so I got some breakfast and went in to see him soon as I could and stayed til about 10Am, when
THEY showed up suddenly. I came back home, after stopping by his bank and securing those CDs in a safe deposit box.

About an hour away from home, I started trying to fall asleep and it was a struggle to make it on home. BTW, Dad's talking about coming up here for a few days, when he gets out. He realizes that he has to listen t me when I tell him that we have to get this taken care of and move on with our lives, if we are to have any peace at all and be able to relax.
Thanks for your support guys, I didn't know what all was happening with him.

Take care, Bill