My brother has wanted to change the locks on the house and Dad wouldn't let them. Now that he'll be out of the house for a while, I expect that he WILL do just that and, if he does, I'll get to see, is the look on their faces when I arrive with a Deputy Sheriff, to get access to the house.
Well, I talked to my Dad's nurse today, they are giving him a different medication to try and help with his heart problem and he'll still be there at the hospital til Monday, at least. That probably Frosts my brother and his wife over.

Dad seems to be in better spirits and my wife is pretty sure that it's because of the things that I've been able to accomplish in regard to the situation with my brother and his wife. I certainly hope so, I'm doing my best to accomplish what Dad wants.

My brother and his son were there (at the hospital) today and my Dad just wishes he wouldn't even bother.

All they do is watch tv and talk about what they do, what they have and what they have done.

David asked my Dad today, if I had a key to the house? David knows I've been in there and what difference should it make, after all, it
IS my Dad's house!
AND, as of Monday morning, should be legally in not only my Dad's name, but also will be jointly in
MY name also! (and it's worded in a way that, in the event that one of us dies, the other one gets full ownership)! Now, what my not-so-wise brother doesn't know is, not too far down on the list is to do the deed to the other place (where my brother lives) the same way AND THEN, he wants my brother and his wife OUTTA THERE!!! Not going to be a very good time, but they won't stop until they have EVERYTHING!!!
BTW, I WAS going to go down to the hospital Monday, after running Dad's and my errands.

I called him several times today and my brother, along with his son, was there. Finally, when I called this afternoon, they were gone and he told me that he wished that they wouldn't even bother. Now, he longs for someone that can hold a decent conversation. I thought about that briefly and called him back to tell him that I'd go ahead and come down Sunday afternoon and spend some time with him before I turn in for the night. Also, I WILL be picking up 3 "Entry Type" (keyed) door knob sets along with a padlock, so when the time comes, I can swap them out and finish up by disabling the garage door opener. I think I mentioned earlier (somewhere) that I had considered "Restraining Order on my brother AND his wife, but wasn't sure because I thought that, even after all he's done, surely he had SOME feeling toward our Dad. My Dad was quick to reply,"No he doesn't, he only thinks of himself and has nothing on his mind except WHAT HE CAN GET!" DO IT!! It really IS a crying shame though. What a mess! What a
STINKING mess!!!
If things go well, this coming week might just come to a close with Dad's Home, Van and possibly the OTHER place (where David, his wife and his son live), might well be back in Dad's control. Now, I really hate that Nick (my brother's son) is going to be in the middle of this. He's about 15, I believe, and is on his way to being somewhat like his dad. At least,
if they were without a place to live, Nick would probably be taken in by his mom (my brother's 2nd wife). You shouldn't have to resort to this with a family member, but he brought it on himself! Things sure seem to be turning out differently that he had imagined last year, when he tried to turn Dad completely against me. This is just
TOO stressful of a thing for anybody to go through and I really feel for anyone who has or will end up having to do so.