I really feel for you bill...
I was brought up to "do the right thing, and others would too" but since moving to adelaide i have found that that doesnt work here, its "#$%* on them before they can #$%* on you" and i just cant do that.
Its just a shame you are so far from your dad, he sounds like a real decent bloke and so do you. You have my thoughts going your way and i`m hoping you get this mess sorted soon.
Yeah, It seems like a lot of folks have put the Golden Rule, "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You" has been changed to read," Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto You" and then there's "Do Unto Others And Then Split!" On one hand I'm glad I've only got one sibling (my brother), because with my luck they'd all be like him!

My sorta almost Sister (my parents took her in when she was 12 and I had just been born. She was what they called a Welfare Child) was great! She rook care of me til she got married. She was there for my Dad, when my Mom died. I couldn't get down as much as needed and my Sis (she'll always be my big Sister to me) helped my Dad so much (and helped me too) during that time. She and I had lost contact for several years and when my Mom died, it looked like Sis and I were going to be able to make up for lost time and about a year after my Mom died, My Sis died from heart problems.

My brother didn't care about her, she could see right through him.

To give you an idea about our relationship ( my Sis and me) I don't remember, but my Mom used to talk about Sis taking me to see the newly released (at the time) "Gone With The Wind" My Mom told her that it wasn't a good idea cause I'd never sit still that long and Sis took me anyway and I'm told that I sat right there and watched the entire movie.

If only she were hear now.

I know that I have so much to be thankful for and now, if only I can get my Dad some peace of mind for his final years, ya know?