Well folks, Yesterday, I went in that morning as usual, to check my Dad's blood sugar and give him his insulin shot and (out of the blue) I asked him if he'd like to take a trip.
Of course he said "Sure, I'm ready to go ANYWHERE, ANYTIME"! I quickly said, now if you don't want to go, you know you don't have to.
Then, I said that we needed to get going because we were going to the lake (his home), along with my Wife and James (the Special Needs young man). And they were going to do some fishing while we (He & I) checked for the things that David had listed in his response to my Dad wanting his things back. Well, we went and had a good time (Dad really enjoyed the "Sudden Trip" and, when I wasn't looking, put a 20 dollar bill on my console in the van.
He just likes to "treat" whenever he can.
We kinda swap off on who pays for what and I can always tell when to let him pay, cause if I don't let him pay, when he REALLY wants to, he will get his feeling hurt. He's had more than his share of THAT already. BTW, he picked out some things to bring from his home, to his apartment and I thought that was cool.