Thanks Bill! and no worries about the late post at's not like you haven't been "busy".
I just can't get over how things have gone for you the last little while. I did see some of the other threads about your dog and James etc but I don't always post in them since I never know what words to all seems so trite when I type it out.
Just because I may not post to those threads don't think I (and others) are not reading them or anything...we all feel for you!
Oh and don't be afraid to share with Karla how proud you are of her...even at 34 I like to hear it occasionally from my parents so I know she would love to hear it too.
Hang in there Bill, it'll start getting easier eventually.
I know what you mean about not knowing what to say and all. I've been there myself. There have even been times that I think I should post something about my Dad, Brenda or something....AND I just don't know what to say, even though I don't want you all to think something else has happened.
I know what you mean, about all that has happened. That's why I posted about needing an uplifting subject. I am ready (beyond actually) for something GOOD.
Yeah, I understand about reading and maybe not posting everytime and all.
Listen, I quite often (lately) refer to Karla as "My Rock". And I assure you that she has been. But that is sorta scary because she will most likely reach a point when she WILL have a problem with it and I certainly want to BE THERE for her.
Now, I found out something today, that rattled my cage.

Karla and I went over to see my Dad this morning and then we all would head out to Church. Well, when I picked up my Dad's pill from the lady at the retirement home, I asked if the home health nurse had been there to give him his insulin yet. She didn't know. So, I asked my Dad, and his memory isn't good and he said that he hadn't had it in days. I thought he just didn't remember and called the home health nurse to see. She wasn't sure, so she called the Nurse on call, who was in the area and came over. Come to find out, she said she had called a few days ago, to see if I needed more time and failed to make sure that I got the message. I didn't get the message. My Dad has been without his insulin since the 7th (got his last shot on the 6th. She was just so beside herself and so worried because of that. I told her that I understand and am just glad that my Dad isn't having any problems, because of it. I am back on duty with my Dad and the insulin. We missed Church, but I now know that things are straight with him and he got that meal out, which he enjoys so much. Now we are at home and waiting to see when and if James will be home (or if we are gonna have to go through THAT ordeal all over again.
Take care and thanks, Bill