First, we need a better definition of 'drugs'.
If it is a plant, that one can grow oneself and consume in it's unaltered form, it should be legal.
Smoke your weed, chew a mushroom or a coca leaf, make tea out of your poppies, whatever.
As long as your actions do not harm others - what's the problem.
It's a war on DRUGS, not PLANTS, right?
How do you regulate/tax a plant? Not sure about that one. Sell doobies by the pack? (Would you like the Maryboros or the Cannabis Lights?)
The chemical crap that some favor - that is another thing altogether.
Those substances and their users should be exterminated.
Take all the junkies, crackheads, and dummydusters and put them on an island somewhere.
(think 'Escape From New York'.. once you go in - you don't come out)
Adak might not be big enough, but it's remoteness has a certain appeal.
Why do drunks get a free ride?
If someone is spun on meth and beats my head in with a baseball bat, the prosecution will not merely 'throw the book' at him, but a whole freakin' library.
If a drunk runs over me with a truck, an army of lawyers will spew crap like 'He was drunk - he didn't know what he was doing' to the point where the jury thinks HE was the 'victim'.
I'm just as dead either way.
A first DUI should be prosecuted as attempted murder, with a long dry spell.. performing community service in a 'Community Service Camp'. (Think GULAG) Lots of infrastructure projects need lots of little rocks - give them sledgehammers and big rocks. Let them make a contribution to society for a change.
Second DUI? Get a rope.
Doctors and pills? We have plenty of rules but enforcement seems spotty at best.
Enough for now.
Happy trails.