Well I came back in one piece, no harm done. I must say the Dragon is indeed a wonderful ride, but not worth the hassle. I went up with a friend on an SV1000 on Friday around 5pm, and on the way up saw 4 law enforcement vehicles (one in a speed trap, one with a bike pulled over and two moving at high speed in the opposite direction). We got stuck behind a minivan all the way up to the Inn, so the ride up was more frustrating than enjoyable.
On the way back though, I took the lead and scraped through the corners at 30mph. I finally managed to wear all the nubbies off the edges of my tires

Even though the speed limit is 30, you can still really enjoy the corners... just don't go blasting out of them. Honestly I was lucky on the way back down... I didn't see a single cop, and if there had been I would have been nabbed (I stayed in my lane the entire time, but my speed ranged between 30 and 35mph). And while I saw some pretty fast bikes up there, there was nothing that really scared me. Everyone stayed in their lanes and even communicated with each other, alerting oncoming traffic to police stationed behind them.
So overall, a good experience just to say I've done it, but I won't wanna go back. There's a very similar road going up to Fall Creek Falls State Park that's only an hours' ride away, and it more than likely won't have 4 cops (or more) watching it.