Author Topic: Cm400T engine timing Q  (Read 1525 times)

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Offline Red750K1

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Cm400T engine timing Q
« on: August 27, 2007, 08:03:25 AM »
Since I'm just turning this bike over I didn't buy a book for the re-build but now wish maybe I had. . . . How does the cam chain timing work on this one?  1979 CM400T. There is a key on the cam shaft, two tick marks 180 degrees from each other on the cam sprocket and the rotor has a T and F mark along with two other tick marks a few degrees away from the T and F.     Does the key go up, parallel with the deck or what?  I need to get this stupid thing running!!!  help please

Online bryanj

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Re: Cm400T engine timing Q
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2007, 02:44:28 AM »
Easiest way to check is set up crank to the "T" mark, then drop the cam in so that the two cam lobes for the cylinder on the "T" (just in case the pistons dont come up together) are pointing equaly downwards and you will then find that the marks on the sprocket become obvious----NORMALY with Honda if its two lines they are horizontal and if its a circle its at the top BUT THAT A'INT GUARANTEED
Semi Geriatric ex-Honda mechanic and MOT tester (UK version of annual inspection). Garage full of "projects" mostly 500/4 from pre 73 (no road tax in UK).

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Offline Red750K1

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Re: Cm400T engine timing Q
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2007, 11:43:19 AM »
answered my own question at the junkyard . . . on the 400T (and maybe other twins) the cam key is at 12:00 on the left side, cam sprocket tick-marks are parallel with the deck and the rotor on the T mark for the left cyl at TDC (cam lobes at their closed position).