Author Topic: No Hoist - Ok to tip bike on side?  (Read 1004 times)

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No Hoist - Ok to tip bike on side?
« on: August 31, 2007, 05:49:11 PM »
I recently replaced my front forks but don't have a hoist or even a center-stand on my bike. So I removed the rear turn signal, and sidecover and carefully tipped the bike over onto a soft bit of grass and removed the front wheel/forks that way. Everything went well, but I'm curious if this could be bad for the engine.  I got a bit of white smoke once it was warmed up.


Offline Terry in Australia

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Re: No Hoist - Ok to tip bike on side?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2007, 05:59:19 PM »
Although you can (and did) get away with it, I wouldn't recommend it mate, unless you lay it over onto an old mattress or a heap of old blankets etc.

The alternator cover (on the left side) is only very soft thin alloy and the weight of the bike can damage it quite easily, and the points cover on the other side is only thin tin and will dent very easily, but worse, the engine casting on that side under the points cover is thin and brittle, and if you break that, you'll cry yourself to sleep for ever!

If I don't have a centre stand I use a couple of cheap jack stands under the rear footpeg hangers to steady it, and a jack topped with a small block of wood under the front of the engine to raise the front of the bike. Cheers, Terry. ;D
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Re: No Hoist - Ok to tip bike on side?
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2007, 06:05:22 PM »
Hi Chris,  Terry is spot on, if you can at all, avoid laying the bike over. Anyway, My experience has taught me to let the bike sit a while upright after a tipping (Delibrate or accidental) to allow the oil to drain from the top of the engine back to the oil pan. If a bike is on its side for a very long time than it is also possible that oil can get into the cylinders an possibly cause hydraulic lock, (very bad for engine). Its always best to gently run the engine over by hand with the kicker before firing it up to ensure there is no fluid in the cylinders. If she won't turn over easily then pull the plugs and run it over just to make sure, this will also blow out the oil that was causing the lock. Also batteries tend to dispense fluid when tipped so look out for that too.
 Matt. :)
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Re: No Hoist - Ok to tip bike on side?
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2007, 06:42:23 PM »
Back in the day, laying a bke over to do emergency repairs used to be standard operating procedure on any bike w/o a centerstand. Piece-o-cake; just remove gas tank first. My recent Laconia trip found me doing just that on my cafe w/ a flat rear tire. Dirt or grass better than concrete and some old cardboard helps, too.
You can also install CB750 motors very ez by yourself, starting w/ the motor lying on its right side. Frame slips right on like butter.

Offline Bodain

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Re: No Hoist - Ok to tip bike on side?
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2007, 08:32:21 PM »
My thought is any two wheeled vehicles natural state is on its side. Gravity wants to take it there. It's only physics and technology that keep it upright. All bikes are destined to be on their side.

There are only two types of riders. Those who have been down and those who are about to be down. However I would never take it down on it's side intentionally. ;D
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Re: No Hoist - Ok to tip bike on side?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2007, 07:19:14 AM »
Not that it will do you any good now, but I've been in a similar situation (no easy way to pull the front wheel or forks) and I was able to use a folding ladder. If you have one that's tall enough--maybe 6 feet or better-- put the legs on both sides of the bike, as you if you were straddling it. Use some straps (the latching kind are ideal but almost any will do) to lift and hold the front of the bike. Voila. I forgot what brand my ladder is but it's similar to one of those heavy-duty Gorilla types that extend quite a bit.