The bike is a 75' 400Four with a rear drum brake. I searched the FAQ as well as the archives and came up with nothing. In a nut shell, the starting mechanism is applying leverage on the rear brake pedal which in turn, turns a splined cylinder in a housing that has a rod connected to the opposite side of it that turns another mechanism in the brake housing.
My problem starts at step one. The splined cylinder that the brake pedal attaches to is rock solid, not moving/spinning at all. I pulled the rear wheel this morning to get a closer inspection of what was going on. I attempted to tap the cylinder out of the housing with a hammer. No dice. I inspected the spring that returns the pedal back to position, and it was fine. I inspected the rods that connect to the brake housing. Those were fine. I inspected the rear brakes, those were fine.
I am unsure where to start, or even if this cylinder is removable for inspection at all? Granted it's the rear brake and not as important as the front, but it's a stopping mechanism none the less.
Any helpful insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.