I got a good laugh out of some parts ie "hypocritcal, self righteous, carpet chewing, book burning muppet with sh!t for brains". From what I know of Islam, it seems pretty hateful and I wouldn't want that kind of non-loving God for my own.
I like the aspects of my church that make the community better and foster good relationships with neighbors. Not so much the pushing of political agendas. My church has strong views regarding social issues, so I just don't get involved in those and focus on the parts that I feel bring me closer to God. My thinking is that abortion, war, gay marriage, etc. are just the evils of the world that really can't be extinguished without sucking away man's free will and that a person should come to do what they feel is right on their own rather than be forced to do so. I think that's what the whole relationship with God is about.
I didn't mean to talk religion. Sorry.