This has to the slowest project going. I was hoping to get it licensed and on the road by the end of July. I am still about 25% of the way away. (damn budget issues!)
Anyway, here is where I am now. These pics don't indicate a final color. I am intending to paint the tank a deep orange, and I was considering doing the same with the side covers. But when I put them on for a look, I see they interefere with the individual air cleaners I have on the carbs, so I don't know where I am on side covers now! Suggestions?
The tank is from a Suzuki GL450 I believe. The seat was off of Ebay, fully reuphostered. I got lucky there. I will either have to get a riser for the bars or go back to the stock ones; as it is, the bars hit the tank.
The rear fender is from another Honda, but not a CB500 (ore cousin), and the tailight lens is from a Magna.
A new tire, some assorted wiring details and the painting and I am there. I wish I could have affored bead blasting of the engine and powder coating of the frame, but hey, its a start.
I took a dremel tool to the front fender. It turned out as good as I could have hoped.
Honest opinions welcome; this is my first try at making a stock bike look my own.