I guess Im a little surprised. There is clearly a difference in the wearing of chaps between the picture posted earlier of the gay dudes, and a rider on the road. Even if I saw an example of that pic in real life I would still wear them when it got cold. What surprises me is the amount of opinions that automatically assume a high level of queerness just for the decision of riding in leg leather versus full leather. I wasnt expecting such a blanket statement. Ill agree that I would chuckle if I saw someone on a little moped, or a rider on a 110 degree day wearing chaps, but even in this instance maybe they were limited on the funds to get what they wanted. Maybe any extra layer helped their secure feeling as they rode. Hell I dont know. Maybe they just want to look cool or compensate for a little weenie. I do think that happens quite often.
As stated before, Im just stunned that the majority of feedback on this subject is negative and It would highly discourage me from ridin with any of you who assume Im gay for keepin my leg fronts warm. Granted thats all they do, until I stick back the money for the apparel upgrades, Ill continue to ride with what Ive got instead of parking the scoot.
This is a public forum and I still welcome all comments. Its one persons right to voice their own opinion, and its my right to give a rats brimmer or not.