Dwell meters are clipped across the point contact set.
Interpreting their reading is the tricky part. They can be calibrated for 8 Cyl, 6 Cyl, 4 Cyl, 2 cyl, etc. Technically, you would use a one cyl, setting as the four cylinder Honda ignition fires once per revolution. The auto dwell meter is expecting 4 pulses for two revolutions.
You can still use your dwell meter regardless of scale indication. Just use new points, set the gap mechanically as accurately as you can and note the dwell reading on a scale that looks "sensitive" or sensible to you.
That will be your goal the next time you wish to adjust points.
My Dwell meter on the car 4 cyl scale, reads 46-49 degrees.
The specified dwell angle for the SOHC4 is 190 +/- 5 degrees of crankshaft rotation.
Divide 190 (specified dwell) by 2 Cylinders = 95.
Divide 95 by 2 (doubled firing pulses) = 47.5
Hope this helps,