Author Topic: Hi there - yet another noob  (Read 955 times)

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Offline Helo229

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Hi there - yet another noob
« on: September 08, 2007, 05:41:19 AM »
Hey everyone! First off, let me tell you all, in general, THANK YOU! Without this website my bike would still be in peices all over my garage!

I'm a new rider from SW Pennsylvania. Kinda got into bikes on a whim actually, two of my uncles are riders, and growing up I always thought it was kinda cool, and thought someday I might like to try it. Low and behold, beginning of summer a friend of mine mentioned he was selling a 1976 CB750F he was in the process of restoring for a low, low asking price of $600, and I couldn't pass it up. After passing the MSF course, the next weekend I cut the guy a check and loaded the bike up on another buddy's truck (I was so excited I actually got out and rode the bike the last mile home just to get the feel of it... Well, that and to keep it from tipping).

Thanks to my handy dandy Clymer manual and this website, despite never having worked on a bike before, I was able to strip the bike to chassis, polish the engine, trouble-shoot a few small electrical errors (starter solenoid, ignition switch, horn, recifier, turn-signals.. like I said, a few small ones, haha) and get the bike up and running.

Here's a small list of everything I've done to the bike thus far:
- Installed hex-head bolts from Jim Spillane
- Installed pod filters
- Syncronized the carbs
- Uninstalled pod filters (didn't realize some minor jetting might be required, lol)
- Lots and lots of polishing/steel wool
- Replaced rectifier with one from oregon parts

After riding her easy for a week, just last night I gave her some WOT, and let me say, $%#( Christ! I sure wasn't expecting that from the old girl! Almost hit a ton on a 150 yd stretch of road before I hit a bumb and the rear wheel started wobbling.

Anyways, I'm sorry my intro was so long, quite a bit to read I'm sure, but being as I've just got off my ride home from work I'm more than a little excited and I tend to get wordy at such times!

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Re: Hi there - yet another noob
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2007, 06:32:42 AM »
Welcome.  And don't underestimate the "old girl" ever again!!
Go metric, every inch of the way!

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Re: Hi there - yet another noob
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2007, 08:05:52 AM »
Welcome to the site.  These old bikes are no crotch rocket but they can sure pack an unexpected punch!