Author Topic: golf joke  (Read 836 times)

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golf joke
« on: September 07, 2007, 03:12:24 PM »
A golfer was having a hell of a time getting his ball out of the rough. His drive landed in a patch of buttercups and he stood there thrashing away, destroying countless plants but the ball remained.

Suddenly Mother Nature appeared and she was not pleased.

"Sir, how dare you destroy my plants! All in pursuit of a silly game! For destroying my Buttercups, you are hereby doomed to a life with no butter. Maybe from now on you will think about your actions!" And then she vanished as quickly as she had appeared.

Then the man frantically screams at his golf partner just over the next rise:

"Charlie, whatever you do, take a drop. Just leave your ball where it is in the Pussywillow stand"
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