Author Topic: two young brothers  (Read 848 times)

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Offline hoodellyhoo

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two young brothers
« on: September 07, 2007, 12:19:12 PM »
*keep in mind that I learned this joke from a 90 something year old relative of mine while at a church gathering.*

One night, as two young brothers were going to bed, one says to the other, "When we get up in the morning we should say swear words to Mom and see how she reacts." The other brother agrees that this is an entertaining idea. They then decide that the first one will say "hell" and the other one will say "ass".

The next morning, the two brothers come down to the kitchen where their mother is making breakfast. She asks the first son, "What would you like for breakfast?"

The son replies "Aw Hell, make me some cereal."

Hearing this, the mother exploded in a fit of rage and gave the first son a very violent spanking. When she was finished, she angrily turned to the other son and snarled "And what do YOU want for breakfast?"

Bewildered at the fate of his brother, he replied, "I don't know, but you can bet your ass it won't be cereal!"

1972 CB350F (Back from the Dead!)-
1965? S65 - Coming Eventually!
1972 CB750K2 (father-son project)
1976 CB750K6- (sold)
1976 CB750K6 (sold)-