Well, a couple weeks ago I asked for your advise on this 1970 CB750KO I bought in July. Had not been run since 1990 and had 17,000 miles on it. Did everything you all suggested, rebuild carbs, floats, points, plugs, valves, and then followed your advise with my trusty Morgan Carbtune. Took me longer than it would normally for a sync, but this was probably the first time this bike ever had this done and it was so far out of wack that I had no idle at all. Even after the high speed sync I had no idle. So once the high speed sync was done, took forever to get the low speed idle back. But with patience I got her done. Then tonight I fine tuned it with a final sync just to be sure it was on the money. So I just wanted to thank all of you for the many posts and advise. You are the best!!!