Author Topic: 526 mile trip today and lost my keys  (Read 2891 times)

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Offline kpier883

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526 mile trip today and lost my keys
« on: September 18, 2007, 07:21:26 PM »
Had a chance to ride from Birmingham, Alabama to Jackson Mississippi and back today for a conference.  Went with a friend who rode his 2007 Harley.  I rode my 74 CB750.  We left early and did the 250 miles over without much delay except breakfast.  On the way back, though, we did backroads more for about 200 miles including some of the Nachez Trace.  I was not able to do much in the way of maintenance before the ride and so had to adjust the chain before heading back.  It had gotten so loose it was contacting the center stand.  The exhaust doesn't hold the center stand down far enough (aftermarket 4-2).  The only other problems were:
1.  Used some oil, (and leaked some) but won't know how much until I fill it back up
2.  The key fell out of the ignition somewhere along the way.  Motor kept right on running...  I was pretty worried because the gas tank key was on the same keychain and I knew I would need to fill up with gas at least once, maybe twice after I noticed the key was gone.  I was able to unlock the tank with my pocket knife blade, but didn't attempt turning the ignition off because I worried that I would not be able to turn it back on.  When we stopped for supper I just pulled the main fuse.

This was my first long trip since changing the 110 to 105 main jets.  Mileage improved from low 30s to 40 mpg.  This is the third 500+ mile day it has done in the last month and a half.

Anyway, about half of this trip was interstate and most of that time was spent at 75 to 80 mph.  Lots of rpm, but it hung in there.  The bike has been surprisingly reliable.

By the way, if you are ever in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, try DreamLand BBQ.  They serve ribs, white bread, and drinks.  Don't even ask for potato salad or beans or anything else because they don't have 'em.  They do have banana pudding though.

Since the key doesn't stay in the ignition, I guess it is time to get a new ignition tumbler.  Anyone have suggestions for this problem?
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Offline dusterdude

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Re: 526 mile trip today and lost my keys
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2007, 12:26:52 PM »
it may not be the lock cylinder,could be the key itself was wore out.try for a new key
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Re: 526 mile trip today and lost my keys
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 12:39:55 PM »
Or, see my post on how to cut your own key

I found that my old key was worn enough that could be removed from the ignition while the bike was running, but the new one can't.

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Offline kpier883

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Re: 526 mile trip today and lost my keys
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 06:39:34 PM »
Dave and Duster,

Thanks for the suggestions.  As usual, the site can be counted on for good information!  I will let you know what I end up doing.

74 CB750
80 CBX
82 KZ1000 K2 (LTD)
57 1/2 ton chevy