Author Topic: Steering tight and bike wabbly  (Read 1628 times)

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Steering tight and bike wabbly
« on: July 12, 2005, 08:49:43 AM »
Hello all,
  I have just put a 29 inch drag bar on my 80' CB650.  and had riseres custom made for it to bolt right on the current bar mounts. While these were being mad,e I took the front end apart (with out removing the forks) re-greased the bearings and put it back together, put the new bar on, now my steering fits a little tight and as I am riding the bike feels like it wants to lean alternatly to the sides, I feel I like I cant account for this "wabble". I have checked tire pressuses. Do I have my Bearing nut to tight? (this is what i get from the other postings) Also when I loosen the bearing nut to all ow the steering to flop from side to side with a slight push, then I put the top of the triple tree on and tight that nut the steering get tight again.

Any advice would be great, I would like to goet back on the road.

Offline Uncle Ernie

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Re: Steering tight and bike wabbly
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2005, 07:00:37 PM »
I had someone do a little work on my bike to repay me for something and when I got the bike back the handling was really scarey- similar to what you describe. Finally took the front end apart and the bearings were just about falling out!    I'd say take it apart and be really careful putting it all back. Using a lot of grease will keep the bearings in place (might be a great idea to replace with tapered roller bearings), and make sure the head nut is not too tight. With the front wheel off the ground, you should be able to move the wheel back and forth with hardly any touch. If it "stops" in the middle, then you need new bearings/races.
Dude- your 8 layers are showing!

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Re: Steering tight and bike wabbly
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2005, 09:18:57 AM »
tightening the head, after reassy, I always tighten it right up, till its really snug, and seated, then back off the nut, and retighten to "hand" tight. I'm pretty sure this is the reason the dude sold me my CB, it rode like a death trap before I fixed the head up!! and tapered rollers are the way to go for sure!! however in a pinch cleaning the old balls up and repackin will do, (have fun)


Offline dpen

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Re: Steering tight and bike wabbly
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2005, 12:25:22 PM »
I'm not familiar with that model but it sounds like you're missing a washer (or Spacer). That would account for the steering getting tight when you put the triple tree back on.
To adjust the bearing properly get the front wheel off the ground.
If you've got a friend handy (or your wife) get them to straddle the front wheel & hold the forks as far down as they can.
If there's no one else you can do it yourself holding one fork.
Get them to rock the forks back & forth gently.
Rest one of your fingers on the headstock so it's touching both the frame & the adjusting nut (or the shaft).
You'll feel movement in the steering head as the forks are moved.
Tighten the nut gradually until you feel no movement at all, then nip it up 1/8 of a turn.
As mentioned before, tapered bearings are the way to go.


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Re: Steering tight and bike wabbly
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2005, 02:08:49 PM »
Hi! Yep this is definitely the sign of your steering head races being far too tight. Here's second test - stand aside the bike, both feet on the ground, and turn the bars from left to right and back a few you see how the engine is thrown out to the opposite side??? When these are too tight, basically the bike is under too tight a control. Ever sat beside someone driving a motorvehicle eqiped with power steering for the first time???? Similar experience when the car veers from side to side in time with the persons breathing because they havent learnt to relax their rigor-mortis grip on the wheel lol
Problem is - once tightened down TOO far normal loose ball races mark very easy, hope you havent done too many miles like this!!! And accelerated wear sets in. So best to consider taper rollers now....cos youre gonna need them very soon.

Anyway, relax off the tightness of the races everso slightly, a few degrees of the 360degree turn of the big locknut under the top yoke. And carry the tools with you to repeat the job, until you get to the point where the bike handles fine and taut but without the side-to-side motion. Remeber to loosen the forkleg pinch bolts when you do this too, and tighten them up after, or eslse what you end up doing is trying to push up the middle of the yoke!!!



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Re: Steering tight and bike wabbly
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2005, 07:26:52 AM »
Thanks for all the Advice, I will get to work on it this weekend. I have only been arounbd the block a few time since this happend so no more that a couple of miles on it. tapered bearings sound like the way to go like all of oyu say, Anybody now a good place to get em'? Thanks Again