My dad on his 450?? with my aunt and my cousin. There were other pics of my dad on his bikes floating around, but I can't put my hands on them right now.

Dad & Grandma

Dad & Grandma
When I came along, my mom made my dad get rid of the bikes. When I was growing up, I had a Honda 50 trailrider that I rode all the time. People brought bikes to dad for him to work on them, but my mom didn't want him to ride.
When I turned 18, I drug home a Kawasaki 440 LTD... and a box of parts... That pissed mom off to high hell and back.

After a few months of tinkering around with my 440LTD, dad got bike fever, and drug home a Honda 550. Dad would forever remain in the dog house with mom... but boy oh boy did we have some good times...
Dad passed away in 1998.
The rides we shared still live on as I ride
CASSANDRA, Dad's old 550. I sold the Kawasaki when I put dad's bike on the road.
I grew up with bikes. I rode from the time that I walked good. It's just in my blood to want to ride, and it's my pleasure to keep a rolling memorial for my dad.
I am likely to post more pics of my dad's old bikes as I run across them.