Hi all, so here's the latest in my restoration woes with my 750F. I realized that my rear wheel wasn't true, so I set the bike up on the centerstand and decided it would stay there until I got new spokes, wheels trued, and good rubber on it. While at the auto store to pick up some stuff for my volvo, I decided that I was going to try out some carb cleaner fuel additive on my bike (since they seemed to be working and I didn't want to tear them apart).
So, I got some STP/Gumout (not sure which), pour about 1/4 of the bottle into the tank, and the plan was to run the bike 15 minutes a day until the tank was dry. Day one went great. Day two, the bike wouldn't start, so I left it sit until the weekend.
Come the weekend, I pull each plug, check it for wear, hold it to the engine and crank the start to check for spark. I put it all back together, and try again, turning up the idle screw. Eventually, I get the engine to sputter, but it will die immediately unless I give it just the right ammount of throttle (about 1/4 of turn). I check the pipes, and I find that it's only running on one cylinder.
With this newfound discovery, I assume that it's not a timing issue, so I broke down and removed the carbs. Each bowl had fluid in it, so it's not the petcock. Taking the bowls off, I removed the jets from each, and each was clean as a whistle. I know from other posts that's no garuntee all is well, but I couldn't find a speck of dirt anywhere in them. The entire carb assembly was shiney, everywhere the was supposed to be a hole there was a clean hole.
I haven't reassembled everything yet, figured I'd post and make sure there wasn't anything I was missing before I struggle with the airbox again. Anyone else have this sort of thing happen? The spark from the plugs wasn't super-bright, infact it sort of looked like the spark you get when you drag your feet across the carpet in the dark and shock yourself on a light switch. Could it be the coils?
Also, I had the hose which runs from the valve cover vent to the airbox removed when I was testing everything, and I got a good bit of vapor coming out of it. Being as I had one cylinder running, in retrospect would this mean fuel mix was getting to the other cylinders and just not igniting?
Any thoughts would be most appreciated, we've only got a couple weeks of riding left in PA, and I'd like to enjoy at least one last trip. Many thanks in advance!