I have two sets of primary chains and two cam chains that cam with my project K0 750. One set of primary chains and one cam chain were in the bike when I split the cases, The other sets were in baggies in one of the bins of spare parts that came with the bike. Is there any way to tell which of these chains is the better choice? I might just go ahead and buy a new cam chain, although both of these look good, but the primary chains are different,far more expensive matter.
I have to assume that the PO thought the chains included with the spare parts were good. Everything else he had in the bins, (except possibly the con rods which are yet to be examined), was better than what I found in the bike. That doesn't mean, though, that he examined the primary chains prior to acquiring the back ups. Since I have the cases open already, I'd like to use the best choice.
Any help would be appreciated.