Seems you like to get ahold of the oddites bill..
Yeah, you're probably right about that!

The 450 thing started for 2 reasons. One, a couple of buddies I met while stationed in Japan, each had one ( a Black Bomber And a CB450K1) and my Dad had given me a 74' CL450K6 (that had the motor torn down). So I started looking for some parts and came across this small bike shop/salvage. They didn't have much 450 stuff, they did have a partial one that would have helped but were kinda out of my range on the price. Then they sold the business to another guy and the new guy, who was running the place for the boss, and I hit it right off. Now, I may have paid more for what I got, than I should have but I was getting some stuff and the price wasn't TOO bad. Things were going pretty good for a while and, after a couple of years (a new guy was hired as a mechanic and he put a bug in the bosses ear that prices were TOO LOW) and things haven't been the same since. But, there was an up side to all this. After a while, the boss decided that the inventory of "Parts Bikes" needed to be thinned out a bit. I manage to make out when this happens because I've managed to pick up some of those "Parts Bikes" for nothing (previously I had tried to buy a couple of them and he wouldn't sell. At the time, I was putout about it and, after a while I got them for nothing. Go figure!
There I go again, getting carried away.
Later on, Bill
Hey 6pk, good to hear from you.

I've been asking around on the 450 forums and have had comments about parts swapping and all and
THEN I had one guy say that it's possible that it might be one that was built for another country and was brought to the states by that owner (or another one). Serial number starts out:CB450K1401XXXX and that serial number would usually indicate that it is a 70' CB450K3. Now the K3 had a disc front brake, mine doesn't. It would have fenders typical of the rest of the 450s from there on, mine doesn't. It would also have mufflers typical of the rest of the 450 production, mine doesn't. I don't remember (or have the info handy right now) when they made the seat to open by raising from one side but, mine would raise from the front. Any ideas?
BTW, I'm glad I brought back some good memories too!

Later on, Bill