Author Topic: This Will Definitely Come Under "Other Bikes"  (Read 1336 times)

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Offline bill440cars

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This Will Definitely Come Under "Other Bikes"
« on: October 16, 2007, 07:07:54 AM »

       I'm looking to get what I need to put my little Jawa 50 (My First Bike back in shape. Gotta do a ring job on the motor, clean it up and see if I can Spiffy it up a bit. Then There's the gas tank. My Dad originally put a neat looking 55' (I think) BSA Bantam gas tank on it and somewhere along the way, the tank disappeared (while the bike was at my parent's house. After I outgrew it, it stayed with them until about 10 years ago and then I got it back.) I came up with a 60's gas tank for choppers, that I've heard referred to as a "Peanut Tank". It is brand new (never been installed) has 2 outlets at the rear of the tank and has never had mounting brackets welded on. Also the fenders that my Dad had put on it (20" chrome bicycle fenders) had vanished. If anyone out there has any that they'd like to part with or has any idea where I can get some like they made back in the 60's, I'd appreciate any input on this. I'd like to put it back as close as I can to what it was like when I was riding it. I don't have many pictures of it but will post what I have, when I find them. Thanks guys! ;)

                                       Later on, Bill :) ;) 
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Offline starion88esir

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Re: This Will Definitely Come Under "Other Bikes"
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 08:13:15 PM »
You might want to check out the classifieds section on the forums. They've got all sorts of wierd things stashed away to use on all sorts of bikes.
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Offline 754

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Re: This Will Definitely Come Under "Other Bikes"
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2007, 10:28:54 PM »
Try lowrider bicycle fenders.. cheap

 or SchwinnKrate ones..real..10 x as much..

I was at an auction in Alberta about 8 yrs ago, went to a house to look at some stuff..guy had a very thin small crate..said it was a postwar Jawa, never been assembled!!! 49 or something near there..
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