I read the FAQ's and just want to get your folk's opinion.
I'm riding a '74 350F1, which has been in storage the last two years. The carbs are freshly rebuilt, jetted and bench synched. then on-the-bike synched but i didn't like the results so i started again
Second synching and First Conunudrom: I backed the mixture screws out a tad beyond the 1 1/2 turns because it was running rich, backed the synching screws out to begin again and then the bike started revving at 4000 with choke @ 3/4 open, 1200 with choke fully open. what would cause that?? Since then the bike starts and revs immediately to 4000-5000. the idle stop screw is backed out completely. Mixture seems not to affect this at all I can only control this by OPENING the choke until the revs decrease. Might i have installed the wrong size jet?
Second Conundrum: carbs 1-3 register and adjust fairly well but #4 will not register. adjusting the synch screw in to get #4 to register kills the bike suddenly and without warning. would a leaking intake boot cause this? what other causes might there be? Where would I find another intake boot, or will I have to do w/ silicone?