Yeah, as much as being in the military is a good way to get free medical insurance, I wouldn't recommend it just for that "fringe benefit" guys, there are lots of poor buggers who don't last long enough to enjoy it, their first medical experience is a ride back to base inside a body bag.
After 30 years in the military I can say that I've probably had many more training related injuries than someone who never wore the uniform, and I'll spend the next 30 or so years with arthritis in my most of my joints, and physiotherapy on my back and knees once or twice a week, to remind me of my military service, ha ha! Oh well, it was fun, I guess.......................
We've got medicare here, it costs 1% of your salary, and covers you for most basic medical procedures. Private medical insurance is no way as silly as in the US, but still stupidly expensive. I'd like to see our government charge us all 2% and give us free meds, dental and optical too, and it'd be damn near perfect! Cheers, Terry.