I have the address and names of all of the Honda Executives in Japan. I once thought of crafting letter to the CEO explaining that there are thousands of us out here keeping their bikes alive and proving they were built well. Some more suppot from Honda would be good for both sides. I work for a Japanese company so I could even have it translated.
If they have managed to become executives of Honda, I guess english-speaking is not an issue for them.
I would say Honda supports their owners more than most of the other bike manufacturers put together, specially because they sell many parts for these old bikes. Harley is not an example because there is a miriad of aftermarket factories selling engine parts, and as their engines didn't evolve much, the same parts are good for a big number of models and years, just the same as the modular approach of modern Triumphs. Some clubs ask the brands to get some money for sponsorship and the like, but in my point of view, that means compromising your "lack of bias". I talk good about Honda because that's the way I see it, but if I see something wrong, I would like to speak my mind without having any kind of compromise. I don't understand why Honda did threaten the decals company to stop making Honda decals. That's peanuts compared with Honda profits and it helps keeping these old bikes alive -something I really don't think any company, at the end of the day, is hoping for because they make money with new bikes, not with old bikes-.
Back to the original topic, I think Mr. Honda should have been a very intelligent man, and also a very hard worker. From a devastated country he suceeded to put his company at the head of the bike manufacturers, even though a late start. The same company builds cars, airplane engines and the ASIMO robot, a project that sinks money at lightning speed without any short term return of investment. I wonder what whould have the impression of the people who met him been.