If ya go see Kenny at K&R be ready to have your ear talked off,that man can sure talk.
was just down there a few days ago,only live about 40-50 miles away.
his carb racks are overflowing with carb sets, has a room about 40 ft long by 20 wide with just exhausts in it,parts everywhere you look, its like a bikers heaven.
If you are looking for a specific part it will help if you bring the part your trying to replace, not too much is really marked with what it came from,ya just have to know what you are looking for,if ya cant bring your part bring a clear pic to reference just in case.
and bring tools,small stuff like pliers,screwdrivers,or whatever you may think is neccessary for what your looking for. dial calipers,or the electronic kind will help ya too if your looking for axles,none of them are marked,just a big pile on the floor.
all in all its a good place to spend a day searching through all the stuff.
Highly reccomended.