I have a 19750 CB 550 which is running very poorly. I'm planning on doing a compression test and I have some questions;
1) To get the best reading should I test with my exhaust and carbs off?
Right idea, but not necessary. Just make sure slides are open and the choke plates are open during the test, so it can gulp the most air.
2) Should I use the electric start or kick start?
Either, if you have a very strong battery. Otherwise kick it until you get the max reading.
3) I haven't bought a compression tester yet where can I get one locally (wal-mart, Autozone, etc?)
I don't know your area.
4) What specific size do I need for my bike?
Ideally, you want one that adds low volume for the small cylinder engine you are testing. See link posted below.
5) What is the brand new, great condition, right off the assembly line psi?
That would be an engine with the rings and cylinder wall not broken in and not generating peak pressure.
However, the Honda shop manual does list the expected compression of an engine in good working order (Pg 18).
If you use the exact same low volume device Honda service techs used to get a measurement, about 170 psi.
Any other tip, tricks, tutorials, or thoughts on the matter are greatly appreciated![/quote]
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